Start the New Year with a Lifestyle Change, not Just a Resolution
Are your energy levels running low? Do you have trouble losing weight? Do you suffer from chronic pain? Do you have a chronic condition that medication hasn’t helped?
If you answered yes to any of the above questions you are not alone and dieting is not the answer. For a full 30 days we will eliminate certain food groups and you will learn how and why the right foods can help you create the you that you have always imagined you can be. This program is designed to help you create a healthy metabolism, heal the digestive tract, calm systemic inflammation, and end unhealthy cravings, habits and relationships with foods.
“A program designed to jumpstart optimal health for the rest of your life”
Meet weekly for 4 consecutive weeks
Instruction and support from 2 Clinical Nutritionists
Gain additional support from other Whole30 participants
Access to an ebook of recipes
Free food samples each week
Where: Essex Wellness Center
28 Main Street / Essex, Connecticut
Phone: 860-767-7770
When: 4 weeks Feb 18th, 25th, March 4th,11th Wednesday nights from 6:30- 7:30
Cost: $150 ($125 if sign up before Jan 15th or if you sign up with a friend)
Yours in Health and happiness,
Lisa & Nichole
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